This paper introduces an innovative method for monitoring innovation projects, integrating NASA’s Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale with a market and needs assessment scale. Tested by the Cereal Docks Group on two technological innovation projects, this approach effectively aligns technological progress with market demands, facilitating comprehensive evaluation and reducing the uncertainty typical of innovation projects.
While numerous tools and frameworks already exist to support innovation management—such as design thinking, pretotyping, user research, and the stage-gate process—there is a lack of an integrated approach that brings them together into a cohesive model. The article presents Progressia, a method specifically designed for technological innovation. This model combines the TRL scale with a dedicated scale for market analysis, research, and validation, offering a comprehensive and structured system.
Progressia, developed by the Research and Innovation Department of the Cereal Docks Group, addresses the need to reduce uncertainty during the early phases of innovation, when market exploration and technology validation are critical. The method was successfully applied to two pilot projects: the development of a new protein ingredient and the launch of a digital tool for agricultural use.
The method also enables timely reassessment of initiatives that fail to meet the necessary requirements for advancing to the next phase, whether in terms of technological development or market validation. Among Progressia’s key advantages are its visual clarity and ease of use, allowing precise monitoring of project progress.
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