© 2023 Cereal Docks Spa Società a Socio Unico - P.Iva: 02218040240 - Reg. Imp. di Vicenza 215209 - Cap. Soc. 10.000.000 € i.v.

Responsible procurement


Our responsible procurement journey considers both Italian supply chains and production from abroad.
All originating from the earth, the first ring of the food chain. That is why CD is committed to the construction of virtuous relations with its own supply chain involving all system players in a shared project to protect and preserve the environment through responsible cultivation, respect for the eco-system and the territory it belongs to, responding to the growing consumer demand in agro-food supply chain traceability and sustainability terms.
The goal is to meet the evolving demands of customers and consumers, who now seek ingredients sourced sustainably from traceable, guaranteed origins. This endeavor involves collaboration across the entire supply chain, integrating all stakeholders into a collective effort to protect and preserve the environment through responsible cultivation, while respecting the genuine needs of plants, local communities, and the surrounding territory.

Commitments: promote a traced, responsible procurement chain

Traced Italian
supply chains

Responsible foreign branches

We nurture the seeds of regenerative agriculture
The commitments