© 2023 Cereal Docks Spa Società a Socio Unico - P.Iva: 02218040240 - Reg. Imp. di Vicenza 215209 - Cap. Soc. 10.000.000 € i.v.

About us

Cereal Docks is an Italian industrial group founded 40 years ago by the Fanin family, specializing in primary agro-food transformation. It produces ingredients derived from oilseeds (soybean, sunflower, rapeseed) and cereals (corn, legumes, rice), sourced from both conventional and organic agriculture, for applications in the feed, food, pet-food, pharma, and cosmetic sectors. 

With 6 production facilities, 1 Headquarters, 4 logistic hubs, 1 Quality and Innovation Centre, Cereal Docks processes more than 3 million tons of cereals and oily seeds coming from Italian supply chains every year thanks to the involvement of more than 17,000 farms, and from international supply chains.

In 2021, Cereal Docks was turned into a benefit corporation. This was to pursue, alongside the purpose of generating profit, common benefit purposes; to create positive effects for people, communities, territories and the environment.

3 million
Tons of cereals and oily seeds from both Italian and international supply chains.

6 production facilities,
1 Headquarters, 4 logistic hubs,
1 Quality and Innovation Centre.

Farms involved in the soy, sunflower, white corn, rapeseed supply chains


Besides consolidating its core business, Cereal Docks Group is committed to a new evolution shifting attention from the food concept to that of nourishment.

Nowadays, the consumer demand for healthy, genuine foodstuffs, and their health and well-being expectations require safe, traceable, sustainable products with transparent, certified quality standards.
To respond to these changes, Cereal Docks Group's goal is to generate innovation in the plant-based ingredients sector thanks to research and development of new solutions, products and application opportunities, to guarantee nourishment and well-being for people, animals and the environment.

The company’s name celebrates Ceres, the Roman goddess of crops and harvests associated with the worship of Mother Earth. Ceres taught humans to plow, and once agriculture led humans toward civilization, she provided food and laws.

First, Ceres broke open the earth with the curved plow, first gave the world grain and sweet sustenance, first established laws: everything is a gift from Ceres.

Ovid, Metamorphoses V

Ingredients of change

All the Cereal Docks Group companies are committed to the creation of a solid, polyhedric, lean, transparent and essential structure, to embrace change and grasp its opportunities.
Starting from us to make the difference. We are an active part of a live eco-system and we want to improve it daily: humbly, responsibly and passionately.
This commitment is the result of being aware that:

We are the ingredient that starts the change


Cereal Docks is a Benefit Corporation: an ethical choice, a decision on the evolution of our business model.
Nowadays, the most important challenge for humanity is evolving from “extractive” to “regenerative” paradigms. The former extract more value than they generate, exploiting it to the disadvantage of society and the planet. The latter are at the service of human beings and life on Earth. A business that consumes more value than it creates should not exist.
That is why we have changed the Company By-laws introducing a double purpose: generate profit and pursue positive impact on society and the environment.
Benefit Corporations are ones with modified obligations that commit management and the shareholders to higher purpose, accountability and transparency standards. For Cereal Docks, this common benefit commitment is split into 9 points: