© 2023 Cereal Docks Spa Società a Socio Unico - P.Iva: 02218040240 - Reg. Imp. di Vicenza 215209 - Cap. Soc. 10.000.000 € i.v.

In-company thesis

Mantegna Campus brings the university world closer to the working one by offering a training and research opportunity; to help understand the production world logics and promote the exchange of innovative ideas.

At each edition, Mantegna Campus gives 4 students the chance to do a Master’s on in-depth, scientific development of a subject of interest to the company. The work done will be useful for preparing the degree thesis. The Campus lasts 6 months during which the company offers inclusion in Cereal Docks Group Lab, use of the structure and instrumentation, the guidance of an expert company tutor, training on subjects linked to food safety, lodging and partial board (lunchtime from Monday to Friday).
Applications are open to students on Master’s in bio-technologies, food bio-technologies, chemistry, food science, chemical and industrial engineering, with a B2 level of English and wanting to develop a degree thesis project in the company.
The selection process envisages an initial assessment of the curriculum vitae and the letter of presentation to check applicants' requirements and motive. A physical or remote interview will follow for the students selected to observe the technical skills and mutual interest. Having matured a brief training or professional experience in Campus subjects is preferential.

Campus topic

  • New functional ingredients from fermentation

  • Study and development of sunflower protein flour-based finished products and their shelf-life

  • Engineering study for soy-based ‘speciality’ product plants for feed and food

  • Study of research and development processes in the biotech sector


Now – March 14, 2025


February March 2025


March April 2025 

Apply here

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