Supplier of ingredients of some of the most important made in Italy food supply chains.
For more than 12 years now, the Cereal Docks Group has been working on the enhancement of sustainable Italian supply chains and the preservation of territory.
By developing those supply chains, Cereal Docks has consolidated a synergic, trust relationship with more than 17,000 Italian agricultural suppliers, taking part in the enhancement and growth of the Italian farm sector while responding to the requests of the industry customer and the end consumer in quality and food safety terms.
Sistema Green
This is the Cereal Docks trademark identifying the traced, sustainable soy, white corn, sunflower seed supply chains and of by-products such as flours, oils and lectins mainly used in the agro-food and animal nutrition processing industry. Sistema Green stands on a range of certification standards with a chain approach from field to finished product, care for environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The trademark identifies the supply chain players guaranteeing product traceability, their being Italian, non GMO, and the control of greenhouse gas emissions.
Alimento Italia
The Alimento Italia trademark allows the end consumer to know the origin of the products they are buying, coming from the certified Sistema Green chain. It appears on the labels of important consumer products present on supermarket shelves and is accompanied by a QRcode through which you can follow the entire production chain directly from your smartphone, for example for a sunflower seed oil. A trip that starts on the shelf and reaches the cultivation area thanks to a certified traceability system which reaches the Italian region that the seeds came from.
Commitments: promote a traced, responsible procurement chain