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Sustainability Report 2023: keywords "transparency" and "responsibility"

08 March 2024
Reading time: 1 min

The new edition of the Sustainability Report by Cereal Docks Group, a non-financial reporting tool that collects and describes all the environmental and social performances of the Cereal Docks Groupfor the fiscal year 2023, is now available. It is the fourth edition of Cereal Docks' sustainability report prepared voluntarily with the support of KPMG Advisory to further strengthen the bond between the company and its stakeholders, the real entities that add value to the decisions and activities of the Group.

The methodology adopted refers to the universal GRI standards. In order to ensure a correct representation of the activities carried out and the impact generated by them, the Sustainability Report has been prepared starting from the materiality analysis with the aim of updating and identifying the most relevant issues for both the Group and its stakeholders, on which the most significant economic, environmental, and social impacts are generated.

Guiding the drafting of the report are the principles of transparency and responsibility applied to the reporting of sustainability performance, with the aim of effectively and consistently communicating the company's commitment and activities in this regard. The Sustainability Report certifies the growth over the years of the Cereal Docks community, which now includes more than 400 employees, 18 thousand farmers involved in the supply chains, over 1,200 customers, and 300 product categories on the market.

A community that is increasingly large and relevant for which the company feels a significant responsibility, a "civil responsibility" along with the commitment to start from ourselves to make the difference we want to see in the world. The growth of the community has gone hand in hand with increased attention to the crucial role that sustainability plays in the business model from a perspective of responsible development. This is evidenced by the journey undertaken by the Group since 2011 with the introduction of traced and sustainable supply chains with the Sistema Green and Alimento Italia brands, but also the transformation into a Benefit Company in 2021 and the definition of the Sustainability Plan 2022-2025.

Other "good practices" implemented in recent years include commitment to sustainable and intermodal logistics, attention to employee welfare, and a series of initiatives aimed at increasing stakeholder engagement. From the last Sustainability Report emerges an economic value generated of €1,665,298,962 in FY2023, of which 5% was retained and 95% distributed. Distributed Economic Value represents an essential element for evaluating the economic and social impact of the Company, as well as the creation and distribution of wealth to different categories of subjects who, as primary stakeholders, have contributed in various ways to its generation.

The document reflects the company's commitment to ensuring high standards of quality and product control throughout the entire supply chain and production process. Also important is the commitment to reducing the environmental impacts of its production processes. Environmental protection issues are at the forefront: the Group is committed to promoting and adopting initiatives in favor of soil protection, focused on the circular economy and aimed at optimizing the sustainable use of water and energy resources. A 360-degree view of sustainability that is increasingly becoming an integral part of the company's business model, to create favorable conditions for social and environmental prosperity, today and in the future.

Download the Sustainability Report 2022-23

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