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Rapeseed and second-crop soybeans: the crop rotation that multiplies your advantages

03 September 2024
Reading time: 1 min

For the 2024-2025 season, Cereal Docks invites farmers to participate in the winter rapeseed and second-crop soybean supply chains, two crops that offer numerous advantages and opportunities.

  • Plan your plantings with the assurance of placing your harvest.
  • Diversify your production to reduce risks associated with market volatility and climate variability.
  • Thanks to their productivity and competitive market prices, both rapeseed and soybeans are crops that ensure a significant income.
  • Rapeseed is an excellent renewal crop, adaptable to various environmental conditions and a valuable alternative in crop rotation with soybeans. It provides winter soil cover, in line with the principles of conservation agriculture.
  • Soybeans improve soil fertility and contribute to CO2 sequestration, a crucial factor in the fight against climate change.

And more…

For second-crop soybeans, Cereal Docks rewards farmers who join the 3A+ Project by promoting agronomic practices such as no-till sowing, strip tillage, or minimum tillage, which ensure sustainability without compromising yield, thus maximizing farm profitability.

THE 3A+ PROJECT: +Agriculture +Food +Environment

With the 3A+ Project, Cereal Docks invites Italian farmers to join the national second-crop soybean supply chain, which is traceable and sustainable, to seize the opportunities of production diversification and the benefits of agronomic practices that are more respectful of the environment and soil fertility.

The campaign involves an initial planting of rapeseed, with harvesting around mid-June, followed by immediate planting of second-crop soybeans. This approach allows for better planning of autumn and spring sowing with guaranteed seed placement; production diversification offers undeniable agronomic advantages (reduction of weeds, pathogen pressure, and chemical inputs) along with stable and agreed-upon purchasing conditions.

The enhancement of Italian products, backed by guaranteed sustainability, quality, and traceability, also aligns with the continuous improvement of farm agronomic performance, supported by tailored assistance from the Cereal Docks Agronomic Department.


For information on planting contracts, please contact your trusted Cereal Docks representatives.


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