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Field Day in Romania with Cereal Docks East Europe

17 May 2024
Reading time: 1 min

The role of Cereal Docks East Europe, the subsidiary of our Group that provides procurement, drying, storage, logistics, and sales services for grains and oilseeds in Romania, is becoming increasingly central. This is confirmed by the interest generated during the fourth edition of the "Field Day 2024" event held on May 17 in Timiș County, organized by MERPANO, a major Romanian company supplying phytosanitary products, high-value genetic seeds, fertilizers, and professional agricultural services.

Over 500 companies attended the event, which attracted more than 2000 farmers and industry professionals for a full day immersed in the latest technical and technological innovations offered by key players in the mechanization, technical means, and solutions for modern and efficient agriculture.

In partnership with farmers, Cereal Docks East Europe aims to strengthen its commitment to supply chains by offering farmers an alliance to enhance their productions, ensuring secure placement of their products, joint planning of crop rotations, agronomic assistance, commercial proposals, and tailored services.

All this is to meet the demands of consumers, who are increasingly attentive to transparency, sustainability, food safety, and the well-being of all the players in the supply chain.

The Cereal Docks East Europe facility boasts significant storage structures, a railway connection, and a quality control laboratory equipped with the most modern technologies. Thanks to these infrastructures and the trusting relationship with farmers that has been consolidated over time, our Romanian subsidiary has become a reference point for the creation of partnerships and supply chain agreements for grains and oilseeds.

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