© 2023 Cereal Docks Spa Società a Socio Unico - P.Iva: 02218040240 - Reg. Imp. di Vicenza 215209 - Cap. Soc. 10.000.000 € i.v.

The Group - Code of ethics

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Code of ethics

The principles of the Code of Ethics of the Cereal Docks Group companies guide everyone working in the company in their daily business and are an essential part of its style and identity.
The respect, adhesion and spread of the values and content of the Code of Ethics must be pursued above all other company and personal interests that could contrast with them.

Everyone operating in Cereal Docks S.p.A. Benefit Corporation is aware of his/her role in the civil society; they are an active part of a living ecosystem from which they undertake to grasp the opportunities, constantly doing their best humbly, with accountability and passion for continual improvement, also thanks to innovative solutions.

Their role and conduct are possible through respect for what is laid out in the Code of Ethics, also considering Legislative Decree no. 231/ 2001 and as amended.

The principles of the Code of Ethics of Cereal Docks guide everyone working in the company in their daily business and are an essential part of its style and identity.

Read our code of ethics


Supervisory body

Eng. Chiara Anselmi
Via Interrato Dell’Acqua Morta, 50 37129 - Verona (VR)

Attorney Gregorio Cavalla
Galleria dei Borromeo, 3 35137 - Padova (PD)

Dr. Michele Mimo c/o Cereal Docks S.p.A.
Via dell’Innovazione, 1 36043 - Camisano V. (VI)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read the code of ethics


Supervisory body

Eng. Chiara Anselmi
Via Interrato Dell’Acqua Morta, 50 37129 - Verona (VR)

Attorney Gregorio Cavalla
Galleria dei Borromeo, 3 35137 - Padova (PD)

Dr. Michele Mimo c/o Cereal Docks S.p.A.
Via dell’Innovazione, 1 36043 - Camisano V. (VI)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read the code of ethics


Supervisory body

Eng. Chiara Anselmi
Via Interrato Dell’Acqua Morta, 50 37129 - Verona (VR)

Attorney Gregorio Cavalla
Galleria dei Borromeo, 3 35137 - Padova (PD)

Dr. Michele Mimo c/o Cereal Docks S.p.A.
Via dell’Innovazione, 1 36043 - Camisano V. (VI)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read the code of ethics

Founding principles
  • legality, by complying with the laws and regulations of the countries the Company operates in, this Code of Ethics and company procedures;
  • respecting the individual rights of People;
  • integrity, transparency and loyalty in relations with collaborators and all third parties;
  • protecting the health and safety of Everyone operating in the workplaces;
  • protecting, enhancing and involving the company’s human resources;
  • flexibility and mutual availability of the parties;
  • protection of privacy and information;
  • respecting and safeguarding the environment even through care for sustainable growth and commitment to energy efficiency, use of renewable energy sources, in the circular economy;
  • product security and quality, transformation of raw materials into innovative, safe, sustainable ingredients for healthy, balanced nourishment;
  • responsibility towards the community;
  • commitment to continuous improvement with special reference to the types described above, to company performance, product quality, the service offered and the satisfaction of the parties involved;
  • protection of company assets;
  • promotion and circulation of the Code of Ethics values and contents.

Policy Diversity & Inclusion

A policy to spread an inclusive company culture, to overcome any form of discrimination and/or prejudice and that recognises the value of diversity.

Our principals
  • Equal opportunities and gender balance

  • Generational diversity

  • Interculturality

  • Disability

  • Inclusive Governance

Read our Policy D&I

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Per consentire alle persone di segnalare violazioni, rientranti nelle fattispecie previste dalla norma, di cui siano venute a conoscenza nell'ambito del proprio contesto lavorativo, ogni Società del Gruppo Cereal Docks rientrante nell’ambito di applicazione del Decreto Legislativo n. 24/2023 ha adottato una piattaforma informatica esterna accessibile on-line

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Research & Innovation - Corporate Venture Capital

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Corporate Venture Capital

Grey Silo Ventures is the Corporate Venture Capital vehicle of Cereal Docks Group. With an international focus, Grey Silo Ventures invests in innovative foodtech eco-system startups, in order to develop new, more genuine and sustainable, functional ingredients

Expand the global food-tech sector horizons, remaining faithful to being plant-based matrix transformers, but continuing to explore new opportunities of business innovation and diversification, searching for a more sustainable, inclusive future for the food ingredients industry.

That is the mission of Grey Silo Ventures, the Corporate Venture Capital of Cereal Docks Group created to invest in the non animal-based ingredients supply chain and in technologies contributing to implementing the parent company vision: from commodities to ingredients.


Collaborate with innovative European and international structures to develop a new generation of ingredients, sustaining the development of technologies, new production processes and business models.

Taking part in creating an eco-system of nutrition-linked startups to develop functional innovative, sustainable ingredients means looking forward from a different perspective, investing in the vision and projects of their founders.

A commitment to search for new answers to market trends that concern sustainability and healthier, more inclusive nutrition: requests that consumers are making clear and that Grey Silo Ventures welcomes to also become an “ingredient of change”.

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Research & Innovation - In-company thesis

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In-company thesis

Mantegna Campus brings the university world closer to the working one by offering a training and research opportunity; to help understand the production world logics and promote the exchange of innovative ideas.

At each edition, Mantegna Campus gives 4 students the chance to do a Master’s on in-depth, scientific development of a subject of interest to the company. The work done will be useful for preparing the degree thesis. The Campus lasts 6 months during which the company offers inclusion in Cereal Docks Group Lab, use of the structure and instrumentation, the guidance of an expert company tutor, training on subjects linked to food safety, lodging and partial board (lunchtime from Monday to Friday).
Applications are open to students on Master’s in bio-technologies, food bio-technologies, chemistry, food science, chemical and industrial engineering, with a B2 level of English and wanting to develop a degree thesis project in the company.
The selection process envisages an initial assessment of the curriculum vitae and the letter of presentation to check applicants' requirements and motive. A physical or remote interview will follow for the students selected to observe the technical skills and mutual interest. Having matured a brief training or professional experience in Campus subjects is preferential.


Field focus

  • New functional ingredients from fermentation

  • Industrialization and quality of new dietary fats



Now – July 31, 2024



August 2024



October 2024

Apply here

You can read further information on the processing of your personal data by Cereal Docks and your rights in our privacy policy
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The Group - Values

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Our Charter of values contains our “why”; what we believe in and work for every day. They are the principles our companies are founded on; a reference point for the entire Group and for all those joining us.

Charter of values

What makes us stand out
Living the present while being well aware of the future. We look forward carefully and receptively, to identify business and growth opportunities.
Looking to the future means being able to stay one step ahead. We are fast and dynamic, ready to grasp challenges and opportunities, adapting our models and always developing new, innovative strategies and routes.
Inclusion, taking part in the debate, sharing successes. Involving people, recognising their quality, is what a system that can generate value everywhere, inside and outside the company, is based on.
What we strive for
We like going straight to the core of the matter because we have learnt to recognise what is essential, to know who we are and what we really want.
We like relations to be based on transparency. Being clear and direct is how we respect the people we work with every day.
We let our work speak for us. Our experience, professionalism and clarity are what make us credible, a partner to be trusted; because trust is the indispensable base of every relationship.
What we are
The fire setting everything alight; the awareness that we belong to something important, something to be built together. Not just work, but a mission powered by this energy.
We are part of a system and must look after it; working for the common good. That is what accountability means for us; a commitment taken with our employees, the animals, and the environment surrounding us.
We know who we are. We know what we are worth but we don’t like flaunting it. Humility is our way of being and relating to the world; an authentic relationship built on the ongoing exchange of stimuli and points of view.


Guaranteeing nourishment and well-being to the environment, animals and people to keep the eco-system perfectly balanced


Working with passion and humility for a common good; building a world where everyone can nourish themselves and be well. Able to renew oneself and evolve over time, like the will to carry on enhancing one’s human resources, the link to one’s territory of origin, the commitment to invest in the continual improvement of processes and products.


We trust people and they trust us. That is why, alongside our partners, we are building a sustainable model founded on certified supply chains, innovative technologies and essential production, without waste, to protect, nourish, respect the environment, all living beings and for a zero emissions future.
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The Group - About us

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About us

Cereal Docks is an Italian industrial group founded 40 years ago by the Fanin family, specializing in primary agro-food transformation. It produces ingredients derived from oilseeds (soybean, sunflower, rapeseed) and cereals (corn, legumes, rice), sourced from both conventional and organic agriculture, for applications in the feed, food, pet-food, pharma, and cosmetic sectors. 

With 6 production facilities, 1 Headquarters, 4 logistic hubs, 1 Quality and Innovation Centre, Cereal Docks processes more than 3 million tons of cereals and oily seeds coming from Italian supply chains every year thanks to the involvement of more than 17,000 farms, and from international supply chains.

In 2021, Cereal Docks was turned into a benefit corporation. This was to pursue, alongside the purpose of generating profit, common benefit purposes; to create positive effects for people, communities, territories and the environment.

3 million
Tons of cereals and oily seeds from both Italian and international supply chains.

6 production facilities,
1 Headquarters, 4 logistic hubs,
1 Quality and Innovation Centre.

Farms involved in the soy, sunflower, white corn, rapeseed supply chains


Besides consolidating its core business, Cereal Docks Group is committed to a new evolution shifting attention from the food concept to that of nourishment.

Nowadays, the consumer demand for healthy, genuine foodstuffs, and their health and well-being expectations require safe, traceable, sustainable products with transparent, certified quality standards.
To respond to these changes, Cereal Docks Group's goal is to generate innovation in the plant-based ingredients sector thanks to research and development of new solutions, products and application opportunities, to guarantee nourishment and well-being for people, animals and the environment.

The company’s name celebrates Ceres, the Roman goddess of crops and harvests associated with the worship of Mother Earth. Ceres taught humans to plow, and once agriculture led humans toward civilization, she provided food and laws.

First, Ceres broke open the earth with the curved plow, first gave the world grain and sweet sustenance, first established laws: everything is a gift from Ceres.

Ovid, Metamorphoses V

Ingredients of change

All the Cereal Docks Group companies are committed to the creation of a solid, polyhedric, lean, transparent and essential structure, to embrace change and grasp its opportunities.
Starting from us to make the difference. We are an active part of a live eco-system and we want to improve it daily: humbly, responsibly and passionately.
This commitment is the result of being aware that:

We are the ingredient that starts the change


Cereal Docks is a Benefit Corporation: an ethical choice, a decision on the evolution of our business model.
Nowadays, the most important challenge for humanity is evolving from “extractive” to “regenerative” paradigms. The former extract more value than they generate, exploiting it to the disadvantage of society and the planet. The latter are at the service of human beings and life on Earth. A business that consumes more value than it creates should not exist.
That is why we have changed the Company By-laws introducing a double purpose: generate profit and pursue positive impact on society and the environment.
Benefit Corporations are ones with modified obligations that commit management and the shareholders to higher purpose, accountability and transparency standards. For Cereal Docks, this common benefit commitment is split into 9 points:
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e applicazioni

Cereal Docks, azienda di prima trasformazione agroalimentare

Trasformiamo materie prime agricole (semi oleosi e cereali) in ingredienti (farine, oli, lecitine, cereali) che sono componenti essenziali di tantissimi prodotti finali.

Cereal Docks rappresenta uno snodo strategico della catena del valore e contribuisce alla diffusione sui mercati mondiali di numerose eccellenze dell’italian food. I suoi prodotti arrivano indirettamente sulle tavole di milioni di consumatori in Italia e in Europa: la qualità e la sicurezza degli ingredienti diventano garanzia di benessere, salute, sostenibilità, valore aggiunto.

La visione strategica di Cereal Docks e delle sue BU: from commodity to ingredients, è orientata all’ampliamento e alla diversificazione del portfolio dei suoi ingredienti in ottica di qualità, sicurezza, innovazione, sostenibilità.

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and applications

Cereal Docks, first agro-food processing company

We process raw agricultural materials (oilseeds, and cereals) into ingredients (meal feeds, oils, lectins, cereals) that are the essential components of many end products.

Cereal Docks is a strategic node in the value chain and helps circulate many Italian food excellence products to global markets. Its products arrive indirectly on the tables of millions of consumers in Italy and Europe. The quality and safety of the ingredients guarantee well-being, health, sustainability, added value.

The strategic vision of Cereal Docks and its BU: from commodity to ingredients, is aimed at expanding and diversifying its ingredient portfolio with quality, safety, innovation, sustainability in mind.

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Research & Innovation

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& Innovation

In an increasingly more complex, rapidly changing world Research and Innovation represent the “auxiliary motor of the Cereal Docks Group”

Fundamental for Group growth in the nutrition and wellness linked to food sectors

Both identifying new value creation areas with new business. 

And contributing to significantly improving internal processes, going beyond continual improvement.


Digital transformation redesigning agrifood naturally brings farming into play.

The Cereal Docks Group R&I and Agronomic Department team flanks its agricultural suppliers to stimulate and facilitate the digital transformation processes. Over the next few years digitisation, artificial intelligence and robotics will revolutionise all production sectors and the R&I Department is in the forefront to foresee, assess and implement these transformations.

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Qualità e Sicurezza Alimentare

Qualità e sicurezza


Tecnologie, professionalità, cura e passione al servizio della qualità e della sicurezza alimentare

Il sistema di controllo qualità di Cereal Docks Group garantisce il monitoraggio dinamico e rapido dei parametri qualitativi delle materie prime a partire dal campo fino al prodotto finito.

Il Centro Qualità assicura la tracciabilità di filiera, certifica la qualità di tutte le fasi produttive, monitora costantemente la sicurezza alimentare e garantisce l’assenza di organismi geneticamente modificati (NON OGM).

L’impegno nell’assicurazione di standard qualitativi sempre più elevati è confermato da un rigoroso sistema di certificazioni di prodotto e di processo e da audit interne.

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Food quality and safety

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Food quality and


Technologies, professionalism, care and passion at the service of food quality and safety

The Cereal Docks Group quality control system guarantees the dynamic, fast monitoring of the quality parameters of raw materials - from the field to the finished products.

The Quality Centre guarantees supply chain traceability, certifies the quality of all production stages, continuously monitors food safety and guarantees that there are no genetically modified organisms (NON GMO).

Commitment to guaranteeing increasingly high quality standards is confirmed by a rigorous product and process certification system and internal audits.

Read more …Food quality and safety

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