© 2023 Cereal Docks Spa Società a Socio Unico - P.Iva: 02218040240 - Reg. Imp. di Vicenza 215209 - Cap. Soc. 10.000.000 € i.v.

Products - Animal nutrition

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Animal nutrition

Cereal Docks is the Italian market leader and one of the main European players in the soy transformation sector for animal feed applications and in the supply of corn for zootechnical use and for pet food.

Roasted soy seeds, soybean meals, organic protein panels, zootechnical oils, zootechnical lectins.

Based on an internal estimate, the sum of meal feeds, cereals, oils and other sub-products that Cereal Docks distributes along the production supply chain of the zootechnical sector (chicken, pork, cow’s milk, etc.) is used to produce food that ends up on the tables of about 10 million Italians every day, and of many other consumers of made in Italy products in Europe and the world.

Corn for zootechnical use and pet food
Corn is the main nutrition component of not only revenue animals such as poultry, cattle, and pigs, but is also used in the pet food formulas.
Roasted soy seeds

Thanks to innovative technologies you get slow, low temperature roasting that keeps the seed’s nutritional characteristics intact, to make “full-fat” products, that is seeds complete with all fats, intended to only be used in the animal feed industry.

Meal feeds and soybean meals

The oily seed oil extraction process provides meal feeds and soybean meals from soy seeds, sunflower, rapeseed (normal, protein, high-protein, and hulls) for animal feed formulas.

Organic protein panels

A facility dedicated solely to the cold pressing of organic oily seeds enables the production of zootechnical use panels of soy, rapeseed, sunflower with guaranteed traceability and a cutting-edge quality control and assurance system
Zootechnical oils

The mechanical seed pressing and extraction processes lead to the rough oils from oily seeds, such as soy, rapeseed and sunflower.

Zootechnical lectins

These are an improvement factor for the weight growth of animals and the conversion index. In fish and shell fish farming, the fatty acids contained in lectin are fundamental for the functionality of various apparatuses, notably increasing the survival rate. They contribute to making the food digestible and ensuring good emulsion of fats at intestinal level.

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Products - Nutrition

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Our ingredients

Closely linked to the farming world, Cereal Docks Group companies start from a plant-based matrix and transform it into a range of diversified ingredients, accompanied by solid reliability, safety and quality guarantees.

Starting from the ground’s fruits, Cereal Docks Group companies transform the oilseeds of sunflower, soy, rapeseed into a wide range of rough and refined oils.
Sunflower seed oil, soy oil, rapeseed oil. The mechanical seed pressing and extraction processes lead to rough oilseed oils such as soy, rapeseed and sunflower.

High-oleic sunflower seed oil, linoleic sunflower seed oil
The rough oil is further processed in the modern Camisano Vicentino refinery, operational since 2022. An accurate refining process to enhance and preserve the quality of seeds, resulting in refined oils, in particular sunflower, used in food and packaging industry applications, but also in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.


Rough and virgin oils from the cold-pressing of the organic seeds of sunflower, soy, rapeseed. The Cereal Docks Organic facility (Roverchiara, Verona) has a cold seed pressing plant and a winterisation plant for the production of sunflower and rapeseed virgin oils.

Sunflower seed oil, rapeseed oil.
In the new Camisano Vicentino refining facility, the production process is optimised to refine organic oil thanks to advanced technologies for a delicate, batch-based refining process dedicated to organic oil.


Camelina oil, linseed oil.
The Roverchiara production facility has a second oil mill dedicated to the cold pressing of selected seeds to produce special, high quality linseed and camelina oils. The oil mill is designed to guarantee maximum production flexibility, also enabling very small batches and thus responding to customer needs.


Historically linked to the Cereal Docks origins, cereals (corn, barley, wheat) have always been fundamental nutrients and have taken on an increasingly more important human nutrition role in recent years.

Corn, alongside its zootechnical applications, is also used to produce gluten-free flours, is used in the yeasts industry or in the production of beer. Wheat or soft wheat is used as flour for domestic uses, in bread-making, the confectionary and food industry and in HORECA. Barley, transformed into malt, is the raw material for the production of beer and alcoholic drinks. It is also used in the food industry in ready-made soups and salads, as flour in bread mixture or in the preparation of cakes.


The natural emulsifier, fundamental for the production of chocolate, custards, confectionary, baked products, baby food. Numerous other technical and industrial applications. Development of the plant-based emulsifier market

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Per maggiori informazioni
  • Email

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  • Telefono

    +39 0444 419411

  • Headquarters
    Via dell’Innovazione, 1
    36043 Camisano Vicentino
    (VI) ITALY


Come possiamo aiutarti?

*I campi contrassegnati con l'asterisco sono obbligatori

Dipartimenti nel dettaglio

  • Headquarters

    Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Camisano Vic.no Plant

    Via Cà Marzare 3, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Summaga di Portogruaro Plant

    Via dell’Agricoltura 20, 30026 Summaga di Portogruaro Italy
  • Marghera Coastal Depository

    Via Righi 8, 30175 Marghera (VE) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Group Lab

    Via Piersanti Mattarella 14, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Marghera Srl

    Marghera Plant - Via Banchina Molini 30, 30175 Marghera (VE) Italy
  • Nateeo Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Commercial Office - Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Nateeo Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Plant - Via Cà Marzare 3, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks International Spa

    Milano Commercial Office - Via Adige 20, 20135 Milano (MI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks International Spa

    Fiorenzuola Plant - Via 1° Maggio 12, 29017 Fiorenzuola d’Arda (PC) Italy
  • Cereal Docks East Europe S.A.

    Cereal Docks East Europe S.A. - Municipiul Timisoara, Ortisoara n. 699 Jud. Timis România
  • Aethera Biotech Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Headquarters – Plant - Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Organic Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Commercial Office - Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Organic Srl

    Roverchiara Plant - Via Cappafredda 6, 37050 Roverchiara (VR) Italy
  • Ital Green Oil S.r.l.

    San Pietro di Morubio Plant - Via Orti 1, 37050 San Pietro di Morubio (VR) Italy

Fai la differenza insieme
a Cereal Docks

Siamo sempre alla ricerca di persone dinamiche che vogliano condividere con noi le sfide future per raggiungere traguardi sempre più prestigiosi. Lavorare in Cereal Docks significa partecipare in prima persona ad un progetto imprenditoriale sfidante, sentire un forte senso di appartenenza, lavorare in team, essere motivati al miglioramento continuo per raggiungere, insieme, obiettivi e risultati.

Candidati ora

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For further information
  • Email

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Telephone

    +39 0444 419411

  • Headquarters
    Via dell’Innovazione, 1
    36043 Camisano Vicentino
    (VI) ITALY


How can we help you?

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Departments in detail

  • Headquarters

    Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Camisano Vic.no Plant

    Via Cà Marzare 3, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Summaga di Portogruaro Plant

    Via dell’Agricoltura 20, 30026 Summaga di Portogruaro Italy
  • Marghera Coastal Depository

    Via Righi 8, 30175 Marghera (VE) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Group Lab

    Via Piersanti Mattarella 14, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Marghera Srl

    Marghera Plant - Via Banchina Molini 30, 30175 Marghera (VE) Italy
  • Nateeo Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Commercial Office - Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Nateeo Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Plant - Via Cà Marzare 3, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks International Spa

    Milano Commercial Office - Via Adige 20, 20135 Milano (MI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks International Spa

    Fiorenzuola Plant - Via 1° Maggio 12, 29017 Fiorenzuola d’Arda (PC) Italy
  • Cereal Docks East Europe S.A.

    Cereal Docks East Europe S.A. - Municipiul Timisoara, Ortisoara n. 699 Jud. Timis România
  • Aethera Biotech Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Headquarters – Plant - Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Organic Srl

    Camisano Vic.no Commercial Office - Via dell’Innovazione 1, 36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
  • Cereal Docks Organic Srl

    Roverchiara Plant - Via Cappafredda 6, 37050 Roverchiara (VR) Italy
  • Ital Green Oil S.r.l.

    San Pietro di Morubio Plant - Via Orti 1, 37050 San Pietro di Morubio (VR) Italy

Make a difference with
with Cereal Docks

We are always looking for dynamic people wanting to share the future challenge of achieving increasingly important goals with us. Working in Cereal Docks means being part of a challenging entrepreneurial project, feeling a strong sense of belonging, team working, being motivated to constantly improve and achieve targets and results together.

Apply now

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Lavorare in CDG

Lavorare in Cereal Docks Group

Il team People & Talent

  • Piatto Massimo

    Group HR Manager

  • Zanella Luca

    People & Talent Manager

  • Piccolo Isidoro

    People & Talent Business Partner

  • Pontalti Silvia

    People & Talent Business Partner

Posizioni aperte

Candidatura spontanea

Invia candidatura

Le nostre persone

Il nostro impegno è rivolto a creare un clima positivo, basato sulla fiducia reciproca e sulla collaborazione in un ambiente confortevole e sicuro.

La community Cereal Docks è fatta di persone che si sentono protagoniste del loro lavoro e sono coinvolte nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali.

Come realtà industriale in evoluzione, Cereal Docks è alla ricerca di persone di talento, aperte al cambiamento e disponibili a mettersi in gioco in progetti innovativi legati al mondo del food, della nutrizione animale, dei prodotti da agricoltura biologica, delle biotecnologie e dell’agricoltura 4.0.

In cambio, offre concrete opportunità di sviluppo professionale e personale.

La formazione e la qualificazione delle risorse umane sono tra i principali driver della crescita del Gruppo. Per questo, è nata Mantegna Academy, la scuola d’impresa a cui è affidato il compito di sostenere il percorso professionale dei dipendenti, valorizzando i talenti, favorendo la loro crescita interna e creando le condizioni per essere sempre più attrattiva per le migliori risorse esterne.

Lavorare in Cereal Docks significa partecipare in prima persona ad un progetto imprenditoriale sfidante, sentire un forte senso di appartenenza, lavorare in team, essere motivati al miglioramento continuo per raggiungere, insieme, obiettivi e risultati.

  • Via dell'Innovazione, 1 - Camisano Vicentino (VI)
  • 400

  • 0444-419411
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Work in the CDG

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Work in the Cereal Docks Group

The People & Talent team

  • Piatto Massimo

    Group HR Manager

  • Zanella Luca

    People & Talent Manager

  • Piccolo Isidoro

    People & Talent Business Partner

  • Pontalti Silvia

    People & Talent Business Partner

Positions available

Spontaneous application

Send us your application

Our people

Our commitment is to create a positive climate based on mutual trust and collaboration in a safe, comfortable environment.

The Cereal Docks community is made up of people who feel they are the job protagonists and are involved in achieving company targets.

As an evolving organisation, Cereal Docks is searching for talented people, open to change and willing to test themselves in innovative projects linked to food, animal nutrition, organic farming products, biotechnologies and farming 4.0.

In exchange, it offers concrete professional and personal growth opportunities.

The training and qualification of its human resources are one of the main Group growth drivers. That is why it created Mantegna Academy, the company school sustaining the professional growth of employees, enhancing talents, promoting their inner growth and creating the conditions for being increasingly more attractive to the best external resources.

Working in Cereal Docks means being part of a challenging entrepreneurial project, feeling a strong sense of belonging, team working, being motivated to constantly improve and achieve targets and results together.

  • Via dell'Innovazione, 1 - Camisano Vicentino (VI)
  • 400

  • 0444-419411
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Group - History

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In its 40-year history, Cereal Docks has acquired credibility and reputation thanks to consistency with rooted principles and values but has always been able to renew itself and evolve; like the will to continue enhancing its human resources, the link with land of origin, the commitment to invest in the continual improvement of processes and products, an open view of the future, innovation and internationalism.

The latest evolutions

From company to structured, integrated “system of companies”


Cereal Docks Group acquires Molino Favero, a company specialized in the origination, production and packaging of gluten free and free-from flours and ingredients for the food industry and large-scale trade, as the last milestone in the Group’s Strategy “from commodities to ingredients”.


Grey Silo Ventures is born, to identify and invest in new entrepreneurial entities primarily in the FoodTech world. The acquisition of Ital Green Oil, a company operating in the primary processing of oilseeds (soy) to produce animal nutrition flours, vegetable oils, and food-grade lectins, is announced


Cereal Docks Group becomes a purpose-driven company, turning into a Benefit Corporation. The new brand identity is presented as is the rebranding of two business units: Aethera Biotech (formerly Dembitoech) and Nateeo (formerly Cereal Docks Food).
Acquisition of the Cereal Docks Organic facility of Roverchiara (VR) is completed and the new logistic hub in via dell’Innovazione in Camisano Vicentino becomes operational.

New horizons

We are the ingredient that starts the change


In the pandemic year, the Group consolidates its leadership in the processing of oily seeds, cereal trading, and in the market of high added value ingredients.


Cereal Docks Spa purchases an industrial area in Summaga di Portogruaro, strengthening the role of Portogruaro as a strategic, Group logistics hub.
Mantegna Academy, the Group’s business school, launches the Carta Bianca (art in the company) project and the Campus project for students doing their Master’s thesis in the company.
Cereal Docks Organic starts managing the Roverchiara (Verona) facility, using it to produce oil and organic oil-cakes, textured vegetable protein and micronised flours for food.

From Company to Group

The Group role emerges in the community and market due to its characteristics


35th anniversary: the new headquarters of the Cereal Docks Group is inaugurated in via dell’Innovazione in Camisano Vicentino and Cereal Docks Group Lab becomes operational. Cereal Docks is an industrial partner, with Amadori and Finiper Group, of FoodForward, an acceleration program for innovative projects and start-ups in the food and retail sectors, coordinated by Deloitte.


Corporate governance is strengthened. Cereal Docks Organic is set up to develop the organic chain in the farm sector. The new Cereal Docks East Europe storage centre becomes operational in Romania. Mantegna Academy, the Cereal Docks Group business school is established. Production facilities come up to speed after important upgrading: the Marghera plant renewed in full and integrated with three logistic structures (water, rail, road); the Camisano plant made more efficient; the Romania plant equipped with a new logistic junction and the Fiorenzuola one with a strategic, product distribution warehouse function.


Strengthening growth by expanding the offer and new business opportunities


The Cereal Docks Food role is consolidated in the high added value ingredient market for applications in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, zootechnical and industrial area. Setting up Demethra Biotech (now Aethera Biotech), a highly innovative, bio-technological company invested by Cereal Docks, operating in an intense research sector and producing active plant-based principles used mainly in life sciences and food.


Cereal Docks Food (now Nateeo) is founded and is active in the standardised plant-based lectins, oils, and functional blends sector.


New extraction plant in the Camisano Vicentino facility.


Acquisition of the Porto Marghera extraction plant from the American multinational Bunge.

The link and consolidation with the farming world

The roots in farming, the industrial vision: from stockers to processors


A plant-based oil refinery and a transesterification plant are set up in the Camisano facility. Cereal Docks International is created and develops the international trading of raw materials from farm origin and by-products.


The Portogruaro (Venice) facility storage and drying plant becomes operational


Cereal Docks becomes a stable member of the oily seeds processing sector and launches its first extraction plant.

The Nineties

Aurora becomes Cereal Docks. Relations and mutual trust with farmers is strengthened.


Mauro Fanin sets up Aurora, a small company that is operational in harvesting and drying corn. A short time later he is joined by his cousin, Paolo Fanin.
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The Group - Governance

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The Group’s governance system is structured to guarantee continuity and long-term growth , enhancing people and their abilities and distributing energy to make sure that the entire Group is identified in a common, inclusive and innovative vision. The Board of Directors has a central role in this context, presiding over the sustainable growth commitment in the entire value chain; in accordance with the importance assigned to ESG issues by the entire Group.

Mauro Fanin


He founded Cereal Docks in 1983 and still serves as its President and CEO. As a first-generation entrepreneur, he is committed to developing the Cereal Docks Group and transforming it into one of the most solid family-run companies and a prominent player in the European agri-industry sector.

Paolo Fanin

Vice President

Like his cousin, Mauro, he has been part of the company since the very start, mainly supervising the industrial development investment plans. As Chief Operating Officer he managed the creation and revamping of the Camisano Vicentino, Portogruaro, Marghera, Roverchiara and Timisoara facilities.

Giovanni Fanin


Finance and Risk Manager of Cereal Docks S.p.A. from 2011 he worked for Prudential Bache Inc. He has been in Cereal Docks since 2014 also as Chief Executive Officer in Dembiotech.

Giacomo Fanin


Head of Business Development at Cereal Docks S.p.A., he is President and CEO of Cereal Docks Organic and Managing Partner of Grey Silo Ventures.

Massimo Piatto


Group HR Manager Cereal Docks S.p.A. Since 2001 he has held roles of growing HR responsibility in several organisations including that of Group HR Manager Grandi Molini Italiani SpA.

Pietro Cassani


CEO of Marchesini Group S.p.A., he was the first chief executive officer and general manager of System Group. He was Managing Director at Ceramiche Atlas Concorde and General Manager of the Whiteware division in Sacmi Imola.

Franco Scanagatta


A company man, he was Managing Director of Dainese S.p.A. Currently he is a member of the Board of Directors of 21 investimenti sgr. He has accrued diversified professional experience in sectors such as mechanics, automotive, fashion.

Gaia Melloni


University lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Lausanne since 2019 and interdisciplinary researcher on corporate sustainability issues.

Francesco Berti


Within the Amadori Group, he assumed the role of CFO, then General Manager and finally CEO, accompanying the strategic choices of the shareholders in achieving the objectives linked to a solid groth path for the company.



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The Group - Cereal Docks Group

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Cereal Docks Group

In its 40 years activity, Cereal Docks has acquired credibility and reputation thanks to coherence with rooted principles and values, but being able to renew itself over time, its commitment to the enhancement of human resources and the ability to invest in cutting-edge technologies and production systems in quality, efficiency and sustainability terms.

Ready for the future

A solid industrial structure and R&D. The Cereal Docks Group now employs more than 300 collaborators. The production structure includes the new Camisano Vicentino headquarters, 6 production facilities and 4 storage centres. The control, quality assurance, research and innovation functions are performed by Cereal Docks Group Lab.

Cereal Docks Cà Marzare

It performs the entire transformation cycle, from the soy, rapeseed, sunflower seeds to the product: flours, oils, lectins. The production comes from NON GMO raw materials and traced, sustainable supply chains.

Cereal Docks Portogruaro

It is the logistic node for procurement from Eastern European countries, to guarantee supply continuity and efficiency. Founded in 2002, it is dedicated solely to cereal drying, storing and logistics.

Cereal Docks Marghera

Established in 2011 following acquisition of the Porto Marghera facility from the multinational Bunge, the company transforms international origin soy beans into flours, oils and lectins.

Marghera coastal depot

The coastal depot is used to store crude plant-based oils to be used in the refining process and has a storage capacity of 33,000 tons

Cereal Docks International

Founded in 2007, this is the Cereal Docks Group company that develops the international trading of agricultural raw materials and by-products. Cereal Docks International operates the Fiorenzuala D’Arda (Piacenza) logistic hub, reference point for procurement from a strategic area of the Po Valley and distribution pole towards the main customers in the areas.

Cereal Docks Organic

Acquired in 2021, the Cereal Organic facility is specialised in the processing of raw materials from organic farming. The Roverchiara (Verona) facility performs the entire production cycle, from seed to product. Protein panels for animal nutrition, crude oils and oils from the cold squeezing of organic seeds of soy, rapeseed and sunflower; special organic oils like camelina oil and linseed oil are the result of constant attention to “global quality”: sanitation, agronomic, product, environmental and social.

Cereal Docks East Europe

Cereal Docks East Europe performs procurement, drying, storage, logistic and sales services for cereals and oily seeds in Romania, in its Ortisoara facility. The plant has a 90,000 ton storage capacity, a railway link, and a modern quality control laboratory.

Ital Green Oil

Ital Green Oil, with a production facility in San Pietro di Morubio (Verona), operates in the first processing sector for oily seeds (soy) to produce flours for animal nutrition, plant-based oils, and lectins for the food sector.

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