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US delegation visits Cereal Docks Plants

04 Aprile 2018
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Cereal Docks recently hosted the visit of Brandon Wipf, Director of the American Soybean Association (ASA), and Cory Atkins, Director of the United Soybean Board (USB), accompanied by representatives of the United States Soybean Export Council (USEC) Lola Herrera (contact person for Spain / Italy) and Brent Babb (Regional Director EU and MENA).

The delegation visited the Group’s headquarters and two soy processing plants in Camisano Vicentino (Italy). The visit then continued at the Marghera plant and at the harbor docks. The Group was accompanied by Giorgio Della Bona, Managing Director of Cereal Docks International and Giacomo Fanin, Head of Business Development.

The journey of the American representatives of the soybean sector is part of the program of synergistic relationships set up between Cereal Docks, the main stocker and oilseed processor in Italy, and its international commercial partners. Cereal Docks processes over 5,000 tons of soy a day, 60% of which is made from imported soybeans and 40% from non-GMO local production, and is Europe's largest private soybean crusher.

Importation of oilseeds and cereals represents an unavoidable choice for the Italian market due to the structural deficit between proteins and cereals produced and consumed in our country. At the same time, Cereal Docks and its international partners are aware of the skills, quality and production efficiency that Italy can provide to the market and will work together to create a recognized value to the feed and food supply chains.

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