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The responsible soy for the future of the planet: RTRS certification

17 Ottobre 2019
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Cereal Docks brings its committment to the traced and sustainable supply chains to European Commodities Exchange 2019, the international stock exchange for those involved in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural commodities (Vienna, 17th and 18th October 2019). The Italian industrial group operating as global agribusiness company in primary feed and food processing, and gold sponsor of the event, presents there the recently acquired RTRS certification especially developed in the Cereal Docks Marghera plant, the Group connection with the global agriculture. The Round Table on Responsible Soy is a voluntary scheme based on high sustainability standards to ensure that soybeans, both as a raw material and derived material, come from an ecologically correct, socially responsible and economically sustainable process. Thanks to RTRS certification, Cereal Docks can assure its clients that the soybean flours, oils and lecithin produced at its Marghera plant and destined for food, feed and biofuel supply chains come from GMO soybeans obtained as a result of responsible practices, without any sort of deforestation or wild impoverishment of natural resources or any human rights violation. The production standard for responsible soy includes environmental, social and economic requirements set by stakeholders throughout the supply chain. In this way and at a global level, production, processing and trade methods are promoted empowering all actors involved. RTRS is certainly a new step in the Cereal Docks’s commitment in the field of sustainable soybeans, in addition to the other voluntary certification schemes previously acquired, Donau Soja, ProTerra, Europe Soya.

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