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Ready for the future with a special issue of ANEW

12 Dicembre 2018
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The special issue of ANEW, the Cereal Docks Newsletter, has been published with in-depth analysis on the Group's most significant projects, activities and events. This issue offers an insight into the company's journey in its first 35 years and the challenges to face in the future. The newsletter opens with the story of the activities launching the company which would have then created Cereal Docks - "Aurora snc " by Mauro and Paolo Fanin. The timeline on page 5 describes the key steps and provides a retrospective look at three major stages of development. The first is identified by the commitment to establish as a link between the world of agriculture and industry, the second is the consolidation and transformation from collectors and stokers to "transformers" of the product and finally a third phase of diversification, in which the target of growth is pursued through these key words: differentiate, enhance and innovate. And it is this third phase the company is living now. It is a necessary evolution that enhances the value of agricultural raw materials from commodities to ingredients that can provide greater added value. Agriculture will be called upon to play an increasingly important role in contributing to the well-being of people and the planet. In order not to get caught unprepared, Cereal Docks has introduced a series of initiatives such as the FSSC 22000 certification for the plants in Camisano Vicentino and Portogruaro, a certification recognised by the authoritative Global Food Safety Initiative, which guarantees that Cereal Docks is active in the continuous improvement of food safety throughout the supply chain. The Cereal Docks Group Lab together with universities and both national and international research centres will play a significant role in the development of new products. Responsibility for the future of upcoming generations means putting environmental, economic and social sustainability at the heart of our commitment. We also pay a special attention to develop the potential of human resources. This is why we created the Mantegna Academy, a business school dedicated to the training and updating of the Group's workforce. The issue of ANEW ends with the desire of discovering new horizons. The future is based on the culture of change, dismantling the dogmas to welcome and govern innovation. Read the special issue of ANEW

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