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New certification, German management

28 Giugno 2019
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Cereal Docks' presence in the European market grows stronger thanks to a new and important certification the plants in Camisano Vicentino and Portogruaro acquired.

It is the German system OG (Ohne Gentechnik) promoted by VLOG, the association promoting the NON-GMO food production and that has developed a standard to certify products free from any genetically modified organism or parts thereof, no vitamin, aroma, enzyme or other food additive produced with the help of GMOs, no GMO plant in feed.

With the VLOG brand, the Camisano Vicentino Group is fully involved in the German market's Non-GMO supply chain. OG is in fact a brand engaging all players, from those upstream to those downstream in production.

Cereal Docks is not new to the NON-GMO subject. For years it has in fact adhered to the DTP 030 scheme promoted by CSQA, similar to the German model, but dedicated to the Italian market.

The number of Group certifications is thus growing, now at 30 thanks to this additional element to guarantee the company's commitment in offering customers safe and quality products.

Group Lab, the centre for quality and innovation of the Cereal Docks Group is a multidisciplinary team with a high level of knowledge that works on this matter every day.

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