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Farm to Fork strategy, fair and eco-friendly food supply chains

28 Maggio 2020
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The European Commission had already launched the idea when it took office, now the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy has officially taken off on May 20th in Brussels with the presentation of the document "A Farm to Fork Strategy". The COVID-19 pandemic stressed the importance of a food system that works in all circumstances and is able to ensure access to sufficient supplies of food at affordable prices. The Farm to Fork strategy is at the heart of the European Green New Deal, which aims to make food systems more fair, healthy and eco-friendly while increasing the strength and resilience of the sector. The Green New Deal defines the plan to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, addressing the challenges facing food systems in the coming years. All citizens and value chain operators are expected to benefit from this transition, especially as a result of the pandemic and the consequent economic recession. The transition to a sustainable food system can bring environmental, health and social benefits, offering economic advantages and helping that recovery from the crisis leads us towards a virtuous path that brings together environmental, economic and social sustainability. Since 2012, Cereal Docks has been ahead of its time by engaging in the creation of traced and sustainable supply chains, involving all actors in the system in a shared project that focuses on protecting and preserving the environment through responsible cultivation, respect for the ecosystem and the territory to which it belongs. The path of traceability begins with the direct involvement of the agricultural world both individually, and therefore directly involving several thousands of farmers, and through the various forms of associations, such as Agricultural Consortiums, Cooperatives or private collection structures present on the Italian territory. The first Cereal Docks chain offering these characteristics was the white corn's, to which the soybean and sunflower chains were soon added. From the seeds of these crops we get vegetable proteins and vegetable oils used in the food industry and in some Made in Italy' superior quality chains. The experience and know-how acquired make the Cereal Docks supply chain system suitable also for other types of crops, proving the role of 'joining link' between agriculture, processing industry and, as a consequence, the end customer. [av_gallery ids='11524' style='big_thumb lightbox_gallery' preview_size='gallery' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb' thumb_size='portfolio' columns='5' imagelink='lightbox' lazyload='avia_lazyload' av_uid='av-k7m3a6' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] The producers and suppliers of the certified supply chains are committed to the compliance with precise cultivation regulations and in return they are granted a series of management, training and profitability benefits. The collection of raw materials from the supply chain takes place in the Cereal Docks plants in Camisano Vicentino and Portogruaro (Venice) and in various storage centers, ensuring the proper management of sustainable batches throughout all phases, from receiving to deliver the finished product to the customer's. The Camisano plant also processes raw materials for both the feed and food market. Cereal Docks has created a sustainability office, which is entrusted with the running of a system of certifications guaranteed by internal audits and by third parties, meeting customers' requests. Cross-involving most of the company functions, Cereal Docks is driven to continue its mission of creating value along the entire agro-food chain, for the benefit of consumers and customers, as well as communities and partner farmers. Farm to Fork is already real for Cereal Docks. Read The Farm to Fork Strategy

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