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Cultivating the land for the health of people and our planet

12 Giugno 2020
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
It is clear the commitment of Cereal Docks Organic in the organic sector which, despite the crisis caused by the pandemic, remains appreciated by European consumers. According to a recent report by the consulting firm Mintel, in the coming years organic products consumers will reconsider their value especially in light of the impact on the environment, both local and global, and on the economy. In recent years, the share of organic food and beverage buyers in Europe has significantly increased. In a series of recent interviews, most European consumers have indicated that they intend to spend substantially the same amount of money on food as in previous years, while a large minority plans to spend even more than usual on food. Despite this, every crisis is always associated with greater economic instability, which is why it will be important to convince consumers of the intrinsic value of organic products. Organic brands must therefore be able to go "beyond the price" to transmit the overall value of their products: with greater attention to transparency and to convey their commitment to national agriculture and local farmers also thanks to the use of new technologies. Among the consumers interviewed, the belief that organic food and beverages are healthier is strong. Organic products are perceived as "cleaner" (free of pesticides, chemicals, artificial additives and preservatives) and "safer". Organic products can also offer consumers a sort of "preventive health". The pandemic will strengthen the connection between "health of the planet" and "health of people" in consumers, for example, through the awareness that the destruction of natural habitats may encourage the appearance of viruses, while the globalized world creates the conditions to spread them more quickly. From this point of view, organic brands will be able to leverage their focus on the production of "cleaner" food, able to protect the environment to strengthen their health and environmental value. In conclusion, Mintel identifies the commitment to make credible and measurable efforts to support local farmers, national economies and the health of the planet as the best way to show the value of organic products "beyond" the price, so as to justify it on relevant grounds. Cereal Docks Organic is moving in this direction and is committed to spreading a 'well done' approach to organic farming where the farmer plays a central role not only for the cultivation techniques he applies, but also for his role in preserving biodiversity and environmental balance.

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