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COCERAL shares its impact assessment of the Farm to Fork proposals

28 Giugno 2021
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Brussels, 23 June 2021 - On June 23rd, COCERAL held a lively debate meant to publicly share the findings of the impact assessment evaluating the Commission’s Farm to Fork proposals.   While this was initially thought be an internal exercise, the significant impact that these proposals will haveon food systems and, to a certain extent, global trade, prompted COCERAL to organise a live online discussion.   The objective was not only to share COCERAL’s findings, but to contribute to the public debate and receive valuable input from other stakeholders.The assessment that was presented is not academic in nature nor based on intricate modelling. It is rather an empirical evaluation put together by analysts and business operators from a dozen companies and national associations, members of COCERAL, which looked at how the EU’s agri production would be transformed.   In particular, COCERAL was happy to share the impact the Farm to Fork proposal will have on EU production, imports and exportswith more than 120 attendees. Oliver Balkhausen, ADM’s Director of Economic Research, delivered the presentation summarising COCERAL’s findings and explained how production is expected to evolve should the Commission’s proposals be implemented as they stand.   His very insightful intervention was followed by comments by Giorgio Dalla Bona, the CEO of Cereal Docks International, an company based in Italy, a country that heavily depends on imports. He explained how a lower agri production will increase Europe’s dependency on imports.   The discussion was then taken furtherby Olivier Calvar, Viterra’s European Regional Manager. Olivier offered insights on why it is crucial for the EU to retain and important presence on global agri markets.A very interesting Q&A session followed, at the end of which, Philippe Mitko, Head of Public Affairs for Invivo Trading and President of COCERAL,offered concluding remarks.   From: http://www.coceral.com/data/162452438523%20June%20-%20PRESS%20RELEASE.pdf  

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