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Cereal Docks travels to Iowa and Illinois to discover new sustainability practices

07 Giugno 2022
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Thanks to USSEC (US Soybean Export Council) Cereal Docks International, represented by Cristina Dalla Bona, had the opportunity to visit Iowa & Illinois states in USA to learn about their sustainability practices to grow soybeans and corn.

The trip started in Washington DC with presentations and meetings with the representatives of USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), AFIA (American Feed Industry Association), NOPA (National Oilseed Processors Association). USSEC presented the Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) which Cereal Docks has already been using for several years for the import of sustainable soybeans from US.

The travel continued at the Iowa State University where we visited the University Feed Mill of the campus. We had the chance then to have some on fields experiences by visiting some US farmers in both Iowa and Illinois states. With the farmers we discussed their sustainability and conservation practices and technologies to grow soybeans and corn such as:

  • crop rotations,
  • cover crops,
  • no-tillage,
  • stripe-tillage,
  • waterways management,
  • precision farming

Our journey ended in Chicago with closing briefings of Illinois & Iowa Soybean Associations and market overviews by Global Ag Protein and Trilateral. We would like to send a big thank you to Lola Herrera and Eugene Philhower of USSEC for organizing the trip and for inviting Cereal Docks as Italian representative. It was a great occasion to learn and discuss, also with the other European representatives, about sustainability practices in agriculture, both in U.S. & EU.

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