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Cereal Docks Organic, the new team introduces itself to customers

01 Ottobre 2021
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Meet the new Cereal Docks Organic team! The company, part of Cereal Docks Group, founded in 2017 to develop organic supply chains of raw materials of agricultural origin, completed the acquisition of the Roverchiara (Verona) oil mill last June. In the plant the entire transformation cycle is carried out, from seed to product, to guarantee the complete integration of the supply chain, to produce protein panels, crude oils and oils derived from the cold pressing of Italian organic seeds and gluten-free cryomill flours.   Today, at the end of a process that started in 2019 with the lease of the business unit from the company O.F.D. Spa, which had allowed the resumption of the production activity of the plant while safeguarding employment, the team of Cereal Docks Organic is ready to bring in the organic market the forty-year experience, solidity and reliability of the Cereal Docks Group, leader in Italy and among the main European players in the oilseed market and in the trading of cereals. Here is how the Cereal Docks Organic team talks about its commitment to organic farming, focusing on three key words: value of people, transparency, trust.   [av_hr class='default' icon_select='yes' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' position='center' shadow='no-shadow' height='50' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' custom_border_color='' custom_icon_color='' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-39lf2s' admin_preview_bg='']   Dear Customer, we would like to inform you that since last June, the oil mill in Roverchiara (Verona, Italy) dedicated to the production of vegetable oils and protein cakes from organic farming has effectively joined Cereal Docks Group. With the successful acquisition, we complete the path started in 2019 with the lease of the business unit from the company O.F.D. Spa, which had allowed the restart of the production activity of the plant, safeguarding employment. Today, with Cereal Docks Organic we want to bring also in the organic segment the forty years of experience, the solidity and reliability of Cereal Docks Group, leader in Italy and among the main European players in the oilseeds market and in cereal trading. Our committments In these three years, we have worked with passion and determination, according to the style of “Casa Cereal Docks” to create the essential conditions to ensure our customers quality products, continuity of supply, reliability of service. In detail, we have focused on three keywords: value of people, transparency, trust.These keywords are embodied in the enhancement of the work of farmers, with whom we are strengthening the partnership, in investments to improve quality, thanks to new technological equipment for the internal laboratory, as well as the adherence to the highest international standards of food safety and voluntary patterns specific to organic products. As a further guarantee of transparency, we are applying ‘reinforced’ traceability systems to our organic supply chains. In the plant located in Roverchiara, we carry out the entire processing cycle from seed to product, ensuring the complete integration of the organic supply chain. Ready to win your trust Today, Cereal Docks Organic is ready to win the consideration, trust and loyalty of its customers thanks to valuable people, an efficient production structure, new technologies and a very strong and ‘historical’ link with the agricultural world. Our products, protein cake, raw oils and oils derived from the cold pressing of Italian organic soy, rapeseed and sunflower seeds and special organic oils, such as camelina oil and linseed oil, protein vegetable textures and gluten-free cryomacinated flours, are the result of constant attention to “global quality”: hygienic, sanitary, agronomic, environmental and social. We claim this with strength, with the awareness of the commitments and responsibilities that we have but also with the guts to ‘put our name’ on it because we believe in it and because we want to prove it with concrete facts. Thanks for your attention.  

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