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Cereal Docks has received the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label

16 Ottobre 2020
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Cereal Docks has been awarded the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label, a proof of high standards in sustainability and business potential.   Cereal Docks Bioplasticizer provides a solution for manufacturers striving to produce products using biobased, safe and environmentally friendly components. The Bioplasticizer offers a wide range of application: from coffee capsules, shoes, cables and pipes, to automotive and many more.   Cereal Docks’ Bioplasticizer was attributed the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label following an assessment performed by external independent experts and based on verified standards. Cereal docksis thereby joining the #1000solutions challenge, an initiative by the Solar Impulse Foundation to select clean and profitable solutions addressing the issue of climate change and present them to decision-makers to fast-track their implementation.   To receive the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label, Cereal Docks was thoroughly assessed by a pool of independent experts according to 5 criteria covering the three main topics of Feasibility, Environmental and Profitability. All labelled solutions are part of the #1000solutions portfolio that will be presented to decision-makers in business and government by Bertrand Piccard, Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation. The aim of this initiative is to encourage the adoption of more ambitious environmental targets and fast-track the implementation of these solutions on a large scale.   The Solar Impulse Foundation is dedicated to accelerating the implementation of clean and profitable solutions. Moreover, the Foundation is helping decision-makers in businesses and governments to achieve their environmental targets and adopt more ambitious energy policies, which are necessary to pull these solutions to market. A way to carry the success of the first solar-powered flight around the world further.

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