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Cereal Docks Group: Pro Terra certified soya to ensure sustainable production

10 Dicembre 2019
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The number of final consumers playing an active and conscious role in traceable and sustainable products is growing. On an international scale, several surveys are recording the same trend of responsible and aware purchasing, with the result that the supply chains are required to adapt and provide stronger guarantees of transparency. However, Cereal Docks Group’s attention on quality and sustainability of processes and products is not the result of such trend, but we might say we have actually anticipated it. The company has been pursuing for years this path of responsibility to share awareness on sustainability with environmental, social and economic connections. In this way, the group created a system of sustainable and traceable chains dedicated to domestic agricultural production and, with a global perspective, it believed in the importance of offering its customers high standards of safety, quality, transparency and ethics even on products of foreign origin. Over the years, the Italian Group has been a part of many voluntary, consolidated and recognised certification schemes. An important example is Pro Terra, a certification developed from 2016 for the Italian agricultural products processed at the Camisano Vicentino plant. Thanks to Pro Terra, Cereal Docks Spa and Cereal Docks Food can guarantee that soya meal, oils and lecithins produced in the Camisano Vicentino plant are the result of sustainable Italian agriculture, NON- GMO and environmental friendly production, in line with the natural resources and values of local communities. Relying on the commitment to the Pro Terra standards, the Group has the opportunity to enhance the agricultural production of soya, ensuring quality, safety and genuine products, as well as transparency and fairness in relation to the entire supply chain. The result is a real added value for the entire production chain.

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