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Cereal Docks Group brings art to the Basilica

13 Dicembre 2019
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

The Cereal Docks Group's commitment to corporate social responsibility is strengthened with a new project. This is the Art Bonus campaign "Mecenati di oggi per l’Italia di domani", with which the Group supports the creation of art exhibitions in the Basilica Palladiana, a three-year project promoted and organized by the City of Vicenza in collaboration with the Accademia Olimpica, the Palladio Museum and the Fondazione Teatro Comunale.

In fact, from 2019 to 2021 the Basilica has been hosting three exhibitions combining scientific precision with originality, three cultural moments that, starting from Vicenza and its past, tell universal stories.

The first exhibition "Ritratto di donna. Il sogno degli anni Venti e lo sguardo di Ubaldo Oppi” was inaugurated on Thursday 6th December 2019 in the presence of the mayor of Vicenza Francesco Rucco, the arts and culture councillor Simona Siotto and the curator of the exhibition, Stefania Portinari.

Cereal Docks Group has supported the creation of the setting for the path that winds through the upper hall, the heart of the monument symbol of Vicenza. The layout, designed by the architect from Ferrara Antonio Ravalli, is designed to be flexible and reusable, so that the monument, symbol of the city's cultural identity, can always be used, even during temporary exhibitions. Inside the large hall, the scenographic wings hosting the works are turned into a 3.5-metre high parallelepiped that once the exhibition is over will allow to fully appreciate the architecture and the inverted ship's hull roof. The cube will become a sort of huge screen which will play some videos telling the history of the Basilica itself.

When temporary exhibitions are scheduled, the structure is split into fourteen self-supporting walls, containing the air conditioning and integrated lighting systems, which allow to comply with levels of microclimatic regulation, lighting technology and safety necessary for the proper conservation of the works on display.

With this new cultural project, Cereal Docks Group intends to share a path of mutual enrichment with its stakeholders: employees and their families, the citizens, young generations, institutions, customers and the market. It will be a journey through history, art and the world of business led by the most famous ambassador from Vicenza, Andrea Palladio.

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