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Cereal Docks East Europe is now certified ISCC Plus

13 Giugno 2022
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

New frontiers of sustainability open up for Cereal Docks East Europe thanks to the achievement of the ISCC Plus certification (International Sustainability and Carbon Certificate), a voluntary certification scheme valid in the food, feed, energy and industrial sectors.

The ISCC Plus Scheme, in line with EU directives, certifies the sustainable management of companies in the food supply-chain, monitoring and ensuring the sustainability of products by checking the sustainability and traceability requirements on the entire system.

The main aspects of the scheme include respect for human and labor rights, the guarantee of practices compatible with the principles of environmental sustainability for the protection of the ecosystem, biodiversity and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, elements recognized globally on all markets.

The new certification will allow Cereal Docks East Europe to procure and manage sustainable agricultural raw materials in the Eastern European area and to offer its customers the supply of sustainable and tracked products such as corn, rapeseed, soybeans, sunflower, and wheat.

Thanks to the achievement of this important objective, it will be possible for the company to improve the quality and typology of the service offered to the customer as well as to strengthen the link with the supply chain and with suppliers. All thanks to constant monitoring and the use of pre-established sustainability parameters.

The ISCC Plus certification of Cereal Docks East Europe represents a new step in the commitment of the Cereal Docks group towards sustainability without borders.

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