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Cereal Docks announces the acquisition of Ital Green Oil

18 Novembre 2022
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Cereal Docks Spa announces the acquisition of 100% of Ital Green Oil, from the company Marseglia Group Spa.

Cereal Docks Spa announces the acquisition of 100% of Ital Green Oil, from the company Marseglia Group Spa. The operation was given the definitive go-ahead in recent days by the Antitrust Authority pursuant to Article 16 of the Law 287/1990, after the positive rulings of the Austrian Antitrust and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers regarding the legislation on the so-called golden power.

Ital Green Oil with the production plant in San Pietro di Morubio (Verona), in which about forty employees work, operates in the sector of the first transformation of oil seeds (soy) for the production of flours for animal nutrition, vegetable oils and lecithins for to the food sector.

The strong affinity in terms of production, market and know-how, between Ital Green Oil and Cereal Docks, an industrial group from Vicenza and one of the main players in the Italian and European agro-industry, created the conditions for the operation, in consistency with the Strategic Plan to 2024 which also has growth by external lines among its objectives.

With the acquisition of Ital Green Oil, Cereal Docks aims to further strengthen its position in the company's core business related to the processing of oilseeds and protein crops, to continue improving the service to its customers and expand the reference markets in Europe.

As a partner of the agricultural world with a long experience in promoting traced and sustainable Italian supply chains, Cereal Docks contributes to enhancing national productions, creating value for all the players in the food chain, from the farmer to the processing industry to the final consumer, safeguarding the heritage of skills and traditions of Italian agriculture.

At the same time, the location and characteristics of the San Pietro di Morubio plant make it a production platform suitable for pursuing the strategy of diversification and expansion of the product portfolio in the field of innovative plant-based proteins, creating new synergies in the supply chain upstream and downstream of the value chain.

Cereal Docks group, which is owned by the Fanin family, closed the last year with consolidated revenues of 1.4 billion, transforming approximately 2.7 million tons of agricultural raw materials through its 9 plants in Italy and Europe of the East. The Group currently employs around 300 people.


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