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ANEW 2019: focus on quality and sustainability

19 Luglio 2019
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

"Back to Earth": this is the vision Cereal Docks adopts to re-launch its commitment to sustainable supply chains, renewing its alliance with the key player in quality and environmentally friendly agriculture: the farmer. This is why it is important to give farmers an identity, to enhance their work, their experience and, above all, their ability to take care of the land, the fertility of soil, the safeguard of hydro-geological balances and biodiversity.

Charlie Chaplin left us enlightening words: "Simplicity is not a simple thing". That's right: often behind simplicity there are complex ideas and elaborate processes. This also applies to Cereal Docks and its commitment to sustainability, one of the 'big' recurring topics at conferences, on television and in advertising. But what is there, in practice, within the word sustainability?

In this issue of ANEW, our corporate magazine, released on the occasion of the second edition of CEMI (Commodities Exchange Milano), we are going to tell you about it in a simple but not simplistic way. Sustainability and quality are the two sides of the same coin, and even more: today it is impossible to think of producing unsustainably. The market and consumers are asking for it, but most of all our planet, which extremely needs care.

In Cereal Docks, quality, sustainability and traceability are combined in a very strong way and always with the desire to respond to the needs of the customer industry and, at last, consumers. A management system is in place that controls the origin of the product from the field of cultivation, the quality is controlled throughout all stages of production and is submitted to verification by third parties who certify its compliance with the most strict international standards.

The market increasingly demands guarantee of safe, traceable products of certified origin: for this reason, the commitment to safety, quality and sustainability from seed to table is constant, also thanks to the synergies between the company departments dedicated to quality and sustainability. The value of quality is strong at all company levels: voluntary adherence to numerous certification schemes has led to a significant increase in audits throughout the production chain, as evidenced by the Sustainability Report, which in 2017 certifies 192 quality and sustainability audits within the Group. A commitment in line with the growth in the number of certifications: only one in 2003 to reach 30 overall today.

This heritage is now enriched, thanks to the contribution of innovation and technologies of agriculture 4.0.

A return to the roots but also a great opportunity to strengthen the link between Italian food excellence and its territory. This bond must grow stronger and stronger, to give the final consumer greater confidence. The recipe that gives value to the Italian excellence of agri-food is made of many ingredients: sustainability and traceability, safety, quality, attention to the welfare of the environment and people.  Sustainability is also a key factor from an economic point of view to ensure a fair income for farmers, the production system and the economy of the territory, encouraging the social cohesion of communities.

The first Cereal Docks chain with these characteristics was the white corn, over the time we added soy and sunflower chains from for qualified vegetable proteins and vegetable oils used, among other things, in the food industry and in some Made in Italy' chains of excellence, for which we guarantee the traceability of food from the producer to the finished product (meat, milk and cheese) with particular regard to animal feed.

Now, the traceability of the supply chain goes a step further: in addition to assuring the nationality of products, the supply chains also certify the region of origin: wheat and yellow corn are cultivated in Veneto or in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

The experience and know-how acquired over the time mean that the Cereal Docks supply chain system can also be replicated for other types of crops, thus confirming its role as a conjunction between agriculture, the processing industry and, as a result, the end customer.

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