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32nd Annual Meeting AAIC: Giacomo Fanin illustrates non-food applications of vegetable oils

30 Agosto 2021
Tempo di lettura: 2 min

The AAIC - Association for the advancement of industrial crops, an international non-profit association established to encourage and promote educational and scientific research activities on industrial crops and derived products, is organizing its annual meeting from the 5th to the 9th of September, at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL – Viale G. Fanin 44, 40137 Bologna) of the University of Bologna.

The annual AAIC meeting is usually organized in the USA, and until now only two time was held in Europe. The annual AAIC meeting will represent the perfect venue for general public, industries, and policy makers to meet scientists covering different fields of expertise, such as: agronomy, breeding, processing, engineering, etc. of industrial products from agricultural crops.

Industrial crops are defined as crops not-specifically used for food or feed applications. These plants provide raw materials and products such as starch, oils, fibers, energy, active ingredients, secondary metabolites, and rubber that are used by different industries.

Among the numerous guests who will participate in the meeting there will also be Giacomo Fanin, Group Business Development Manager of Cereal Docks. On Monday 6 September at 3.10 pm he will hold a speech entitled: "General prospective and potential opportunities of non-food crops in Italy from one national agribusiness leader, Cereal Docks case". During the presentation, perspectives and opportunities in Italy of crops not intended for food consumption will be explored, bringing some concrete examples of applications in the industrial field of vegetable oils carried out by the Cereal Docks Group.

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