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Nateeo and banco alimentare together for solidarity

29 Marzo 2022
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Nateeo, the Group company active in the high value-added ingredients market, collaborates with Banco Alimentare thanks to a partnership that will make it possible to distribute food products for a total of 100,000 meals to charitable structures in Italy. A precious help for many people and families who are going through a difficult time. The recent transformation of Cereal Docks Group into a Benefit Company has opened new horizons for projects and actions capable of generating 'common benefit'. An evolution that stimulates all Group companies to continuously improve, looking not only at economic results but also at common objectives with a positive impact indicated in the Articles of Association of Benefit Companies, to which all business units want to contribute. Thanks to the Nateeo team for their nice gesture of solidarity in support of people in need.

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