© 2023 Cereal Docks Spa Società a Socio Unico - P.Iva: 02218040240 - Reg. Imp. di Vicenza 215209 - Cap. Soc. 10.000.000 € i.v.

Fire of a boiler on the morning of Friday 25th March

25 Marzo 2022
Tempo di lettura: 2 min
This morning a fire occurred in the boiler room of Cereal Docks plant in via Cà Marzare in Camisano Vicentino. No injuries were recorded. At around 9.00 am, a boiler being installed and tested in one of the company's thermal plants, due to causes under investigation, caught fire, causing an explosion and the release of smoke. The timely intervention of the company fire-fighting team made it possible to immediately isolate the area and limit the fire. The Fire Brigade who secured the area, the police forces and the ARPAV intervened on the spot to carry out the necessary environmental checks. In a recently released note, Arpav confirms that no environmental problems have been identified. The boiler system involved in the fire was in the pre-testing phase and was still managed by the supplier company. Starting in the next few days, the necessary checks and inspections will be carried out to clarify the dynamics of the incident. All the productive activities of the plant and the transit of vehicles for the loading of goods are resumed after the area has been made safe. Further updates coming soon. Thanks for the attention.  

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